“Beautiful” A New EDM Single from Mendel Markel

Mendel Markel just released a new single, “Beautiful”, which was originally written and performed at his daughter Tanya’s wedding to Ben Maruscak in Elul.

Contrary to the title, the lyrics are not English, but rather from the original verses in Shir Hashirim “Tziena Uriena”. These words of Shlomo Hamelech, “Behold you are beautiful, my darling, there is no blemish (to be found) in you”, really resounded with him as he approached his daughter’s wedding.

“After just over two decades of work, prayers and tears in raising this beautiful and lively child, I was struck with the fact that we had raised a true masterpiece – mamesh perfect in every way,” Markel mused. He also found great meaning specifically in the words “come out and see…the crown with which his mother crowned him”.

At the time of the wedding, the Chosson was in the year of Shiva for his mother, Laura Maruscak ob”m. “Even though we never got to meet her, we could easily feel the way she touched all those around her, Merkel said. “Thus, the crown given by the mother was a sort of tribute to the amazing woman that raised this beautiful young man, whose family was now becoming one with ours”.

The song is available on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon and anywhere else music is to be found (besides in Russia).

Mendel asks that everyone continue to daven for his parents in law Yehuda ben Aliza and Moussia bas Nechama, who are now in Romania and, with Hashem’s help, on the way to the United States soon. And especially, for his brothers-in-law Schneur Zalman ben Moussia and Alexander ben Moussia, who due to their age are not allowed to leave Ukraine.