120 Sets for the Participants in the Chalukoh of the Rebbe’s Torah
As we approach thirty days to Yud Alef Nissan, which will mark 120 years from the Rebbe’s birth, the Central Lubavitch Youth Organization announced an exciting update on the Chalukoh of the Rebbe’s Torah that is presently taking place at YudAlefNissan120.com as a joint gift from Chassidim in honor of this special jubilee. A grand raffle on 120 sets of the Rebbe’s Torah will take place for all the participants in the Chalukoh.
Many chassidim worldwide have already committed to learning various units of the Rebbe’s Torah in honor of Yud Alef Nissan.
The Sichos, Igros, Maamorim, Reshimos, and Hisvaaduyos — the wealth of the Torah that the Rebbe gave us — will be jointly studied amongst chassidim. We are all uniting to present the Rebbe with the gift that he requested fifty years ago on Purim 5732, when he said (Toras Menachem, vol. 67, pp. 332-333):
“Some are preparing for the birthday and deliberating whether to choose something in the realm of tzedakah or Torah — I want to clarify that it should first and foremost be connected with Torah! …Although one generally doesn’t set conditions on a gift, it is, after all, for the purpose of generating nachas ruach. It is therefore proper that everyone should increase their Torah study, both nigleh and Chassidus.”
The Rebbe also said in a sichah marking the Rebbe Rashab’s 120th birthday (Sichos Kodesh 5741, vol. 1, pp. 429-430) that chassidim should learn the Torah of the Baal Yom Huledes!
The director of Lubavitch Youth Organization and the drive behind this campaign, Rabbi Shmuel Butman, notes that even though Tzach previously arranged such Chalukos, he continues to be amazed at the tremendous participation and excitement amongst chassidim surrounding the current Chalukoh. It is clear how Anash are preparing for the auspicious day of Yud Alef Nissan with the entire shturem!
Some have committed to learn a single maamar or sichah. Many have committed to learn entire volumes of the Rebbe’s Torah within the coming year! Regardless of the amount, everyone is expressing their intense hiskashrus and love to the Rebbe.
Rabbi Butman expressed heartfelt thanks to the Goldhirsch family, for their help with this project.
We are confident that we will celebrate Yud Alef Nissan, together with the Rebbe, in the holy city of Yerushalayim with the coming of Moshiach.