Join the “120 Second Matana” For Yud Aleph Nissan

To join the “120 Second Matana”:

On 11 Nissan there would be a public Bracha from Chassidim to the Rebbe and the Rebbe would respond with Brachos to Chassidim. On 11 Nissan 5749, which was a Sunday, Rabbi Yitzchaok HaKohein Hendel gave Birchas Kohanim to the Rebbe. The Rebbe responded that it should be a “Freliche Vuch- a happy week”.

The Rebbe edited this Bracha – including what he told to Rabbi Hendel – and added in footnote 26 (Sefer Hasichos 5749 page 399) the mysterious words:”שׂמחה – בּיטול ההגבּלה בּיום א׳ בּיום בּ׳ – Joy will break the boundaries of Sunday and Monday”.  Nobody understood what that meant.

On Tuesday night, after Davening, the Rebbe suddenly wrapped his hand with his kerchief and asked the Chassidim to sing the Maamer NIggun – something the Rebbe had not done in over three years! –  and said the Maamer entitled “Matzah Zu.”