Online Gathering to Take Place Today, 30 Days to Yud Aleph Nissan

Over the last few months, Chassidim worldwide have been preparing for this year’s milestone 120th birthday of the Rebbe. With only one month to Yud Aleph Nissan, it is certainly an opportune time to jump on the bandwagon. You are invited to join a Kinus Hachana zoom which will be taking place today, Monday, 11 Adar II, 1:00 PM EST, coordinated by Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus.

Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar of the Shul and Aleph institute, will share divrei his’orerus for this special milestone. Presentations will also be given by Vaad Or Vechom,, SoulWords, and American Friends of Lubavitch, with practical proposals on how to prepare, both personally and communally, for this special day.

Join at

Meeting ID: 873 5832 4949

Passcode: 965461