Tomchei Tmimim Queens to Finally Secure Building
Monday evening, CH community members and parents from the tri-state area, gathered for a ‘YTTL Queens Gala Dinner’. The crowd was welcomed with a heartwarming performance by Chony Tzuker, and singers.
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Yusewitz, opened by thanking Hashem for all the brachos he experienced over the years leading up to date, with our chance now to finally buy the building. “Our gathering tonight reminds me of the Tahara revolution of Frankfurt, Germany. It began from a small group of 3 women”. “From this evening the future will be shaped, we will make history,” he said.
Following a Sicha of the Rebbe was played, where the Rebbe spoke about the revolutionary idea behind Tomchei Tmimim.
Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Rishon Le’zion and Chief Sefaradi Rabbi of Yerushalayim, joined the dinner via video, inspiring the attendees with his remarks about the importance of supporting the Yeshiva.
He was followed by the Rosh Yeshiva and Menahel of the Queens Yeshiva Rabbi Mendel Scharf, who warmly thanked the staff and their families for their devotion and incredible dedication to the yeshiva and its students. He then shared personal stories, spanning from the time of the Yeshiva’s inception over a decade ago, exemplifying what makes this Yeshiva so special and unique.
Then the Ohr Menachem Choir took the stage. The crowd elated by their angelic voices, they sang Niggunim which Chassidim composed in honor of the Rebbe’s Kapital every year 11 Nissan. All were moved by their sweet voices.
The M.C. then introduced Rabbi Levi Raices, the Rebbe’s Shliach to Kharkov Ukraine, who just arrived in Crown Heights after a long and dangerous 5-day evacuation. He shared his harrowing journey he and his family underwent while escaping the current war zone and the miracles that led them to Crown Heights. “The thought that my sons are in the warm haven and confines of YTTL gave me strength and courage” after sharing his gratitude towards the Yeshiva, he joked: “I was planning on bringing some bricks along from Kharkov… there were many of them lying around..” then he turned to pledging his own “brick” of $5,000 towards the campaign!
On behalf of the Badatz, Rabbi Y.Y. Braun, powerfully addressed the crowd and shared how proud he is to be a parent of the Yeshiva in Queens! He described the unbelievable individual attention and love that all of the staff have for each Talmid. He too pledged a “brick” of $5,000 towards the campaign!
Then, the beautiful video was aired. Yeshiva students articulated how Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Queens changed their life -providing them a physical and spiritual home. They feel cared for, loved. It is in this environment that they are educated and guided in the ways of the Rebbe.
The video was followed by the director of the Yeshiva, Rabbi Mendel Hendel, who emphasized the “why” behind the Build The Future Campaign, explaining that if the Yeshiva is unable to purchase the building, it will be in danger of getting shut down. When the Yeshiva was under the threat of eviction, he disclosed that they received a letter of the Rebbe, where the Rebbe explicitly says, “Just as Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim overcame obstacles in the past, it will surely do so now!”
Rabbi Zalmen Goldstein, broke down the “fundraising through buying bricks” campaign into simple steps, showing how this goal of $10 million is truly attainable when we all work together.
As the evening drew to a close, Rabbi Asher Vaknin, Shliach of the Rebbe in Queens and a proud parent of the Yeshiva, spoke about the tremendous Zechus and Brochos one is showered with when donating to this Yeshiva. He also committed to undertake the renovations of the building.
Boruch Hashem, over 200 campaign teams were created throughout the evening, amounting to pledges of many “bricks”, which will Be’ezras Hashem be fulfilled throughout the course of the campaign.
photos by Dov Ber Hechtman