Purim Resources Available for Shluchim
Purim is in the air! The 24 hours of unbridled rejoicing and festivities, commemorating the miraculous salvation of the Jewish people from Haman’s wicked decree, are quickly approaching. The pre-Purim prep keeps everyone on their toes, busy with Mishloach Manos, the Purim Seuda, and costumes for the family.
For the Rebbe’s Shluchim around the world, Purim contains additional layers of meaning. They are charged with the merit to bring the message and Mitzvos of joy to their communities. They must tailor the celebration to ensure an engaging and meaningful experience for seniors, youth, families, students and young adults to appreciate and enjoy.
With only one day of Purim to reach everyone makes for a tremendous task that the Shluchim perform with the utmost devotion and passion.
There are many excellent resources available to Shluchim. Yet, it can be tedious and time-consuming to sift through all the separate sites and resources in the pre-Purim frenzy. To this end, Merkos 302 has created a Purim Resource platform, consolidating a plethora of Purim resources and tools for Shluchim.
Following the platform’s terrific success throughout the Tishrei and Chanuka season, they have launched once more. A site designed especially for Shluchim, as an easy-access, easy-to-use portal to everything a Shliach may need to plan and organize his Purim events and activities. They also included a collection of inspiring learning material for the Shluchim and their families.
The platform includes:
- PR, Marketing, and Social Media resources
- Mishloach Manos boxes, and customizable labels
- Purim Mitzvah Cards
- Learning materials
- Tzivos Hashem kids resources
- Purim Party Playlists
- Ready-made flyers
- Simultaneous Megilla Slideshows
- Purim Gameshows and Party games
- Shushan photo wall
- Purim Programs for CKids, CTeen, and CYP
And much, much more!
In a beautiful collaborative effort, many Chabad organizations, such as Chabad.org, Derher Magazine, Sichos in English, and all the Departments at Merkos 302, including the Spanish and Hebrew desks, have joined together to make this site a reality. Together, providing Shluchim with the best resources they can offer, all in a fresh, new, and efficient manner as an all-inclusive one-stop-shop.
“We recognize that Purim programming can be very wide ranging and requires a great amount of time and effort arranging,” related Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, executive director of Merkos 302, “We are therefore delighted to present this initiative, and feel humbled to help facilitate a more seamless Purim experience.”
Visit purim.merkos302.com for many high-quality resources for Shluchim.