Master Hilchos Pesach in the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch

To master Hilchos Pesach in the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch is considered a serious achievement. For the most part, this is due to quantity; the vast amount of subjects addressed in these Halachos. Only for a small portion is it due to complexities. 

The chance is now yours!  

A new shiur will be made available where Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz will teach the halochos in a swift, clear and concise manner. The shiurim will follow the beautiful learning schedule set up by Rabbi Gedalia Oberlander of ‘Merkaz Halocha’, in which by dedicating only some 20 minutes a day you will have mastered a serious part of these halochos.

To join the Limud group for Hilchos Pesach, click: 

For more shiurim and Torah podcasts please visit