Lubavitch Hebrew Academy Brings Joy to Others for Rosh Chodesh

As part of our school wide Dirah B’tachtonim campaign this month our focus is Ahavas Yisroel “loving another”. During today’s program we discussed different ways we can look out for others and be a true friend. When you care for a friend and bring joy to others you gain more than you give. 

We welcomed South Florida’s Chai Lifeline Event Director, Ms. Yael Swissa to LHA.  Ms. Swissa shared with our students that the mission of Chai Lifeline is to bring joy and hope to children, families, and communities impacted by serious illness and loss. 

The students then packed several hundred Mishloach Manos packages.Each package contains brownies, sweets, smiley slinkys, bubbles, and a special note from our students telling the recipient how much we love them and care.

These Mishloach Manos packages will be given out at the South Florida Chai Lifeline Purim Event this Sunday in honor of Purim.