Sheva Mitzvos Campaign Joins with Aleph to Help Inmates

As reported a few weeks ago, Chabad Lubavitch of Montana printed a beautiful brochure to enable Shluchim and Anash bring the Rebbe’s Sheva Mitzvos campaign to a world in desperate need for these eternal Noahide Laws. Many Shluchim have ordered their own customized brochures at

Now, working closely with Rabbi Mendy Katz of Aleph Institute, Rabbi Chaim Bruk, who published the brochure, has arranged for the brochure to be available to all inmates, Jewish and gentile, at all Federal Prisons around the country. It has been submitted and hopefully will be on their prison tablets in the next weeks as a Sheva Mitzvos App. Shea Schneider, who is one of the prime backers of this initiative, insisted that this happens. “People who have landed in a prison cell for one reason or another, could benefit so much from learning about the Sheva Mitzvos; it can inspire them to make G-dly changes in their life and, for many of them, help guide them to a better life when they are freed,” said Schneider.

In addition, Bruk will be having 14,000 copies of the brochure delivered directly to Montana homes via local newspapers in the next few weeks, bringing this into countless living rooms and workplaces around Big Sky Country. “We can’t be asleep at the wheel; the Aibershter wants a world living this way and the Rebbe demanded that we spread the word” said Rabbi Bruk.

You could partner with Chabad Lubavitch of Montana to cover the costs of this expensive campaign at