Mishloach Manos Initiative Launches For Shluchim’s Kids

As Purim approaches, the Shluchim Office launches Mishloach Manos Mania, an annual initiative to match up Young Shluchim and Shluchos to send Mishloach Manos to each other with special new features to this year’s program.

Mishloach Manos Mania is a special project that connects and partners up Young Shluchim/Shluchos around the world with their peers to send a Mishloach Manos package to and receive one in return. Parents fill out a form with their child’s information, receive their child’s partner’s information to send a package to in an area nearby and await to receive one from a fellow Young Shliach/Shlucha.

“I’m so excited to join this year,” said Meir Lipskier, Young Shliach to Garden City, NY. “Two years ago I got to have a lego playdate on video call with the boy I sent Mishloach Manos to!”

In honor of this year’s unique program, a brand new website was created filled with games, activities and entertainment for Young Shluchim and Shluchos. From a costume contest to feature sections and printable games and quizzes, the website is designed to give every child an interactive and exciting Purim experience.

The deadline for Shluchim out of the USA is Monday, February 28 / Chof Zayin Adar I and in the USA is Wednesday, March 2 / Chof Tes Adar I.

Visit YoungShluchim.org/MMM for more information and email cyh@shluchim.org with any questions.

Mishloach Manos Mania is a project of the Shluchim Office.