30 Years Later, First Maamar in German Printed

The first ever maamar in Hebrew and German was published today in time for Purim Koton – commemorating the Rebbe’s distribution of ואתה תצוה on פורים קטן תשנ“ב 30 years ago.

It was designed as a textbook with many explanations and summaries. The booklet’s design is warm, friendly and easy to read in order to make it more accessible. It also includes instructions on how to learn a maamar.

It was translated by R’ Elyahu Borodin in Nürnberg, Germany and published with the help of Kehot Publication Society and R’ Simcha Kanter of simplychassidus.com.

Published by Books&Bagels, booksnbagels.com/WeAta, of Basel, Switzerland, it is being sold at a subsidized price to make it available to everybody.