New Baltimore Mesivta For 5783 Shnas Halimudim

A new Mesivta in Balitmore will open IY”H, where a beautiful and growing kehillah of Anash enjoy thriving moisdos, including its Yeshiva Gedolah, which attracts talmidim from around the world. Baltimore’s Chabad elementary school, which serves more than 100 Anash families in the area, with close to 400 talmidim.

Rabbi Mendel Kaminker, who currently serves as maggid shiur in Oholei Torah’s Mesivta, has been appointed as Maggid Shiur/Ra”m and Interim Menahel of the new Mesivta.

Rabbi Kaminker is renowned for his passion and “koch” in learning and inspires it in his talmidim. He excels in both nigleh and chassidus, is a devoted mechanech with an outstanding hasbarah, and is dedicated with warmth and devotion to the wellbeing, growth and success of each of his talmidim.

Rabbi Kaminker and the new Mesivta are focused on maximizing every talmid’s unique potential, growth and capabilities. Rabbi Kaminker focuses on a personal, caring connection, and individualized guidance and mentorship with each talmid, inspiring and guiding them to lifelong growth and excellence in learning and darkei hachassidus.

Guiding and advising the development of the new Mesivta are Rabbi Hershel Lustig, Dear Emeritus and senior principal and educator of Oholei Torah Elemntary School, Rabbi Sholom Halberstam, Menahel of Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago, Rabbi Amram Farkash, Menahel of Mesivta and Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon in Los Angeles, and Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum, Head of School and Senior Educator of Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh.

Combined, they have over 120 years of experience in education development and management and have vast experience in a wide range of Chinuch matters, especially with talmidim of the age entering Mesivta.

The new Mesivta is under the auspices of Chabad Lubavitch of Maryland and its director Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan.

Overseeing the development of the new Mesivta is a Vaad Hanhala of local Baltimore shluchim: Rabbi Velvel Z. Gopin (director, Chabad at Johns Hopkins); Rabbi Mendy Schapiro (director, Chabad Seniors Network, and previously served as menahel gashmi of Baltimore’s Yeshiva Gedolah); and Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sufrin (senior educator of Cheder Chabad Baltimore, and director of Chabad of Clarksville).
Located in Baltimore’s upscale Greenspring neighborhood, the Mesivta will be based in a newly-renovated and beautifully-furnished Beis Medrash, fully stocked with an all-new library of sifrei nigleh and chassidus (see pictures below). Along with a newly-built state-of-the-art mikvah, nourishing meals, dedicated staff and eltere bochurim, and comfortable dormitory facilities, the new Mesivta will be a place of personal growth and success for its talmidim b’gashmius ub’ruchnius.

The new Mesivta is currently accepting applications for Shiur Aleph for the 5782-83 school year. Please visit our website to request an application. Space is limited, apply today.

To contact the Mesivta, please email or call 410-243-1800

To help support the new Mesivta please visit