New Building Dedicated in Tzfas For Tze’irei Hashluchim Yeshiva

In an impressive event, the new building of the Tze’irei Shluchim Yeshiva in Safed was dedicated “Beit Shlomo” after its benefactor.

The new building includes a magnificent and spacious beit midrash, classrooms, a spacious mikveh, three protected floors, annex rooms and more. Simultaneously with the construction of the new building, a comprehensive renovation was also carried out on the old campus and extensive development work was done across the Yeshiva grounds.

The benefactor’s two sons who attended the special event unveiled the dedication on the building, along with the institution’s directors, Shliach Rabbi Chaim Kaplan and the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Shneur Zalman Kaplan .

The ribbon cutting ceremony at the entrance to the new building took place together with the family members by Mayor Shuki Ohana and the mezuzah set by a rabbi of the Chabad community and the head of the kashrut department , Rabbi Mordechai Bistritzky.

The dedication also auspiciously took place on the anniversary of the death of R. Shlomo, in the new and magnificent Beit Midrash.

Later, a siyum on Mishnayis was completed by the students in the benefactors memory, with student representatives completing each of the six sedarim: Seder Zeraim – H. Menachem Mendel Mendelssohn of Vienna, Austria , Seder Moed – H. Kehat Litvin of Louisville, Kentucky, Seder Nashim – H. Eliyahu Moshe Bagamilsky from Seattle, Washington , Seder Nezikin – H. Aharon Freundlich from Beijing, China , Seder Kadshim – H. Levi Yitzhak Segal, from Salima, Malta .

A Siyum on Seder Tehorot and the entire Shas was conducted by Rabbi Zalman Kaplan, who heads the “Tze’irei Shluchim” yeshivos, and has led them to unprecedented development and achievements, both physically and spiritually.

Afterwards, the guests continued to a grand banquet and farbrengen with the family, the yeshiva staff and the directors of the institutions, which continued into the night with joy and excitement.

On the 11th of Nisan, the 120th anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe, the inauguration of the new building will take place.