Discounted Ohel Buses Available Over Yud Shvat
by CrownHeights.info
A discounted bus service making round trips between Crown Heights and the Ohel will be available throughout the evening and day of Yud Shvat.
Tuesday, the Night of Yud Shvat
From Crown Heights: Every Half Hour from 4:30pm through 11:00pm
From The Ohel: Every Half Hour from 5:15pm through 11:30pm
Wednesday, The Day of Yud Shvat
From Crown Heights: Every Half Hour from 5:30am through 7:30am, and from 6:00pm through 11:00pm
From The Ohel: Every Half Hour from 6:15am through 8:00am, and from 6:45pm through 11:30pm
(Between 8:00am and 5:30pm on Wednesday, there will be buses available from the regular Ohel Bus service for $15)
The round trip cost for using the bus is $5, and will be leaving from The Dreidel at Eastern Parkway and Kingston Ave in Crown Heights.
The buses are available to Men, Women, and Children.
For More information go to bustoohel.com. For contact, or to leave a comment, email bustoohel@gmail.com.