Can a Public School Student Fit-in In Yeshiva?

One Hour. 

So much, yet so little time.

60 precious minutes that are used to their fullest to provide a Jewish education, experience and connection to thousands of Jewish students in Public Schools throughout New York.

A beautiful starting point – but nowhere near enough.

Throughout the years, thousands of students have transferred out of their Public Schools to attend Jewish Day School or Yeshiva. 

In the last four years alone, 392 children (and counting) have left the Public School system and enrolled in a Jewish School as a direct result of Released Time.  

On the journey from Public School to Yeshiva, there are many difficulties: logistical, financial, social and academic that are likely to arise. The child needs to leave their friends behind, many families are afraid of the shift in the dynamic of the home, and transportation needs to be secured as the Jewish school is likely further from the house than the local Public School. Released Time staff work tirelessly, hand in hand with the families to ensure that the transition is as seamless as possible. 

The dedicated Released Time staff and volunteers often serve as a liaison between the families and schools, helping many families find the Yeshiva that is the perfect fit for the child. An example of this is Rabbi Shneur Vechter, the Released Time representative in PS 164. He is familiar with all of the local Jewish schools and has contacts in all of them. He related, “you only have one chance to get it right. If you don’t get it right they will go back to public school and likely never give Yeshiva another shot.” Hours of research and conversation with both the family and the school have paid off. 98% of the children who have made the move from Public School into Yeshiva have happily settled in and show no signs of leaving anytime soon. 

The staff at Released Time also stays in close contact with the children and families that have made the move from Public School to Yeshiva to help them navigate the aftermath of such a huge change and the impact that sending a child to Yeshiva often has on the family dynamics. 

The goal of Released Time extends so much further than the hour of Jewish Education provided for the students every week. And, by providing the proper guidance and support, Released Time is ensuring that as many children as possible receive a proper Jewish Education. 

The ‘Call of the Hour’ Campaign will begin Tuesday, January 11th.

Get ahead of the game and take part today, knowing that you have participated in a moisad established by the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe, in honor of Yud Shvat.

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