Long Awaited My Story, Volume 2: Lives Changed Finally Available
JEM is proud to announce the release of My Story volume 2: Lives Changed — thirty-three of the most fascinating and moving stories from the My Encounter with the Rebbe project.
The groundbreaking volume is slated to be available before Chof-Beis Shevat and is available for pre-order now with a 10% discount.
Like volume one, the new book is printed on over 400 beautiful, glossy, full color pages, is thoroughly researched, and impeccably written. My Story volume 2 succeeds in the same tall feat as volume 1: it entertains, uplifts and inspires young and old, Lubavitcher and newbie, the not-yet-affiliated and the scholar. JEM’s director, Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin, explains that this outcome is by design: “Our goal is simple. If we do our job right, keep our own preferences out of the way, and share a story of the Rebbe in its truest, purest form, as told by the person who experienced it, who can remain unmoved?”
A selection of JEM’s nicest photos, restored and presented, complement the riveting stories, alongside original documents.
Four years ago, the now-renowned My Story took the Jewish world by storm, selling out in communities well beyond Lubavitch. With four printings and tens of thousands of copies sold, demand continued to increase.
My Encounter with the Rebbe director Rabbi Yechiel Cagen explains the project’s genesis. “Weeks after My Story was published in 2017, we began receiving calls demanding volume 2. People were reading a story each Shabbos at their table, but were run out of stories! So about three years ago, partnering with several generous donors, we started to work on a second volume. Thanks to the tireless work of our line editor, Mrs. Uriela Sagiv of Jerusalem and Rabbi Yecheskel Posner, the book’s production manager, we believe we have a second masterpiece on our hands.”
The hybrid story-photo book is the perfect gift for your mekurovim, your staff, your children — and yourself! Bulk discounts available.
My Story is available today for pre-order here and is slated to hit the shelves in the coming weeks.
My Story volume one is also newly reprinted and will be available for order.