Kinus Hashluchos Gala Banquet Canceled, All Kinus Events To Be Offered Virtually and In Person
by CrownHeights.info
As cases continue to rise in Crown Heights and across the country, the International Kinus Hashluchos has announced that they will be offering all events at this years Kinus Hashluchos virtually, and will be canceling the famed Gala Banquet.
“New York is experiencing still rising cases of COVID, while here in Crown Heights there continues to be a stream of new cases. What the doctors had hoped would have been a strong downturn has not yet occurred,” the executive Vaad of the International Kinus Hashlucos wrote. “As such, the Kinus will proceed as a hybrid event, offering a fully virtual event with in-person gatherings throughout the weekend. This will ensure that all Shluchos will be able to participate in all parts of the Kinus from home or in Crown Heights.”