Historic Edition of Likkutei Dibburim Published by Kehot

Kehot Publication Society is pleased to announce the publication of a new edition of Likkutei Dibburim, the majestic selection of talks and writings of the Frierdiker Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, of blessed memory.

The talks in Likkutei Dibburim were delivered in Latvia, Poland and the United States during the years of 1929-1950, and comprise a treasure-chest of Chabad teachings, history and inspiration. In a letter to a person seeking an introduction to Chabad Chasidus, the Rebbe writes:

In answer to your question as to how to best become familiar with the teachings of Chabad Chasidus, and no less important

with its directives and customs ….  It would be good to first be introduced to the contents in Likkutei Dibburim … from which one can glean about Chasidus and the way of life of Chasidim according to the teachings and directives of Chasidus.” (Igros Kodesh vol. 20, p. 86)

Reprinted many times throughout the years, the present edition is completely revised and skillfully annotated by Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin, who carefully examined the entire four-volume text, adding copious footnotes and references, and correcting typographical errors. A detailed index (comprising 180 pages) created by Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel Yarmush, makes studying and referencing this classical work that much easier and more rewarding.

The typesetting, layout and covers have been beautifully designed by Rabbi Yirmi Berkowitz, turning this Chasidic classic into an elegant, gift-worthy set.

“The warmth of Likkutei Dibburim has helped mold generations of Chasidim,” says Rabbi Yosef B. Friedman, “the new edition will help guide the budding Chasidim of today, teenage boys and girls, as they seek to absorb the rich heritage of Likkutei Dibburim.”

Likkutei Dibburim is available at the Kehot Showroom and online at www.Kehot.com, and in fine seforim stores everywhere.