Build The Mikvah: You Don’t Need to Sacrifice Anything to Give Them Everything

Picture this.

It’s a Thursday night in Chernigov, Ukraine and you step out of your house into the icy winds as they cut through the city. While temperatures reach below Zero, the streets are empty. But you don’t go home. Instead, you make your way to the local river where you proceed to fulfill the most sacred Mitzvah of all. Mikvah.

You’re chilled to the bone. But your soul is on fire.

You leave the river behind and dream of the day when you can honor this holy moment, without the cold winter air bearing down on you.

This is real life for the Jewish women living in Chernigov.

But today, you can change that. 

You can give them a Mikvah.

Chernigov, Ukraine is far less random than you might think. It is the nearest city to the resting place of the Mitteler Rebbe. The Jews living in the region have been self-proclaimed as The Mitteler Rebbe’s Yidden. 

The history of Chabad in Chernigov goes back many years, to legends the likes of Reb Dovid Tzvi Chein, appointed as rav by the Mitteler Rebbe just before his histalkus, and Reb Mendel Schneerson, dear cousin of Reb Leivik; Chassidim who put themselves on the front lines, risking everything for the sake of a fellow Jew.

The stories you heard as children come alive as you walk the same streets as chassidim of years gone by. The stories told over at chassidishe farbrengens are retold, this time from the perspective of the actual KGB files, which speak of arresting chassidim for spreading ‘propaganda against the government’. Stories are retold by the descendents of those chassidim, descendents who never made it out of the Soviet Union. Stories about their grandfather who took the roof off the porch to turn it into a sukkah and danced with joy as it rained, stories about their grandmother who clandestinely baked matzah in a tiny oven and delighted over the taste of the mitzvah. 

And the spirit of Chassidus? The fire and the soul, the inspiration to keep the flame of Torah burning despite the odds? Bringing that chassidus to those who had it stolen from them by Stalin and Hitler? That is in your hands. 

Today, history is reimagined with Rabbi Yisroel and Rebbetzin Aliza Silberstein who have dedicated their lives to redeeming the soul of Chernigov and the Yidden who are looking for a  way home. “I have no doubt”, says Rabbi Silberstein, “that when people look out for the Mitteler Rebbe’s yidden, he will look out for them”.  

It has been 80 years since the Mikvas in Chernigov were torn down by the forces of Communism and the tragedy of the Holocaust.  But, in true Chassidic fashion, Anash won’t let that hinder the building of a beautiful Jewish future, right where our spiritual adversaries once stood. 

You can give the gift of a vibrant Jewish future! The new, pristine Mikvah will allow for an experience that is relaxing, rejuvenating, and uplifting, creating a perfect portal to a thriving Jewish future. 

Today, you can build a Mikvah with one click. Together with hundreds of caring people, we will raise $200,000 and provide Jewish women and families with the sacred space to nurture and grow their homes. 

Mikvah has been the foundation of our nation’s history for thousands of years.

Today, you can be the foundation of our people’s future.

Every drop counts when you give the gift of a Mikvah.

Donate now and watch every $1 turn into$4!

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