Just in Time for Hey Teves, Oholei Torah Student Publishes Sefer with Groundbreaking Research on Rashi’s Extended Family
In an unprecedented milestone for the Oholei Torah Beis Medrash, HaTomim Ephraim Lewis of Shiur Daled Zal has released a Sefer “Mishpichosam LiBeis Avosam,” which showcases extensive research on Rashi’s extended family.
In the words of Ephraim: When I was growing up, I found an interest in knowing about Seforim and their authors. In Seforim stores I always was busy and, eventually, I ended up gaining a lot of knowledge about Seforim. Even in 6th grade, whenever my Rebbi would mention a name of a Meforash, he would ask me to tell the class about who he was.
In Mesivta I developed a strong interest in the history of Rishonim. One day, I was asked how the R”I (Rabbeinu Yitzchock) was related to Rashi. I didn’t know, but it got me started in researching and found that the R”I was a great-grandson of Rashi (his mother was a sister of Rabeinu Tam. as for her identity interestingly, there is a machlokes what her name was which I referenced in the Sefer).
For the next year, I did research on Rashi’s family, and I added anyone who I was able to get related. This “family tree” eventually grew to almost three-hundred people on it, and, in Shiur Alef, I printed a booklet entitled “Mishpichos Rabboseinu Horishonim”, a small booklet of 60 pages. It was written very tersely and was very hard to follow.
I eventually rewrote the entire project, until the family tree reached over to a over five-hundred people tree. The Sefer does not include historical events— there are many Seforim like that—rather, it serves as an encyclopedia of Rashi’s family and anyone related.
I collaborated with an editor and a designer. and the Sefer was born.
The Rebbe encouraged people many times to use their talents for Kedusha,” Rabbi Lesches, the Menahel of the Beis Medrash added. “Seeing Ephraim dedicate his interest in history to put together such a Sefer has made a very strong impression; it shows a clear example of the success one can achieve through hard work and learning.
Rabbi Nisson Deitsch, the Menahel of Beis Medrash Shiur Aleph and Beis shared that Ephraim is an example to all other Talmidim that everyone has their Chelek Batorah. If you are ready to work hard, you will find your Chelek Batorah and you will be Matzliach.
It was an honor to have Ephraim as a talmid in our yeshiva.