Don’t Miss Out: Final Volume of SIE Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim series
Starting in 5773, for close to a decade, Sichos in English has been releasing volume after volume of the Orach Chayim and Choshen Mishpat segments of the revamped Shulchan Aruch series sharing the fundamental guidelines to Jewish living. Now, Sichos in English is proud to debut the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch Volume 9, which covers Hilchos Yomtov. This volume is a milestone for the Shulchan Aruch project as Hilchos Yom Tov, Volume 9 completes the Orach Chayim section of the Shulchan Aruch.
Orach Chayim, literally meaning the way of life, serves to do exactly that – provide instruction and guidance on how a Jew should live. From halachos upon waking to halachos on how a person should end their day, the details set forth in the Shulchan Aruch will carry a Jew through each hour of every day 365 days a year. Through learning the halachos detailed in the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, particularly in Orach Chayim, studiers’ lives will be illuminated.
Celebrating the completion of Hilchos Yom Tov, Volume 9, Sichos in English is featuring this volume for pre-order at the annual Sichos in English Hey Teves sale with the rest of the series available as well. Whether you have several volumes and want to build your set or you prefer to buy the series in one go, the Hey Teves Sale featuring the complete Orach Chayim set is the perfect opportunity to make your purchase.
Already from the initial releases, this series has been recognized as revolutionary. Lauded by rabbonim, educators, and readers worldwide, the improved Sichos in English Shulchan Aruch is guaranteed to heighten a learners experience of the basics and beyond of a Jew’s life. “Each volume that comes out is a must-have for me,” shares an owner of several volumes of the series. Truthfully, that is no surprise. With bilingual text and easy navigation, this all encompassing and practical series showcases the primary guide to life in a learner friendly and pristine display.
This lengthy but worthwhile project spearheaded by Sichos in English is the painstaking labor of Rabbi Eli Touger and Rabbi Sholom Ber Winerberg. The initial volumes of this series were co-authored by Uri Kaploun. A dedicated team of Rabbonim and editors researched and edited each volume giving extensive care and attention to the intricate details.
The Weiss Edition Shulchan Aruch is named in appreciation for the generous partnership of the legendary patrons of Torah, Rabbi Yonah Mordechai (Marty) and Hadassah Weiss of Los Angeles, and Rabbi Moshe and Ruti Weiss of Sherman Oaks, California in honor of their parents.
As Volume 9 is delicately packed and journeying across the Atlantic to enhance the SIE readers’ study of the fundamental Halachos, Yoreh Deiah, the final segment of the Shulchan Aruch is being worked on.
The newest additions to the Sichos in English series are the perfect way to enhance your learning, enabling you to learn each halachah in a clear and convenient manner. The Sichos in English annual Hey Teves Sale is taking place from Tuesday, Gimmel Teves/ December 7, until Sunday, Ches Teves/ December 12. You can be part of the first readers to pre-order Volume 9, Hilchos Yomtov or purchase the whole Weiss Edition Orach Chayim set along with the other available volumes.