Destruction At Chabad House In Kansas City, Missouri After Vandals Break In


“Papers and books everywhere, electric wires ripped out, plumbing cut with water pouring everywhere.”

That’s what greeted Rabbi Yitzchak Itkin Tuesday morning as he entered Chabad on the Plaza to prepare for a Torah shiur.

“There is nothing more disturbing then walking into the Chabad house for an early morning Torah class and finding the place torn up,” Rabbi Itkin wrote on the Chabad House’s Facebook page.

According to reports from the local police department, they had received a call regarding someone hearing breaking glass near the Chabad House around 1:00am Tuesday morning, and were able to identify a black SUV driving off from the location soon after.

Officers in the area found a car matching the description, but the car sped off and the police were unable to catch them.

“This was the reality of the Jews when they entered the Temple during the story of Chanukah,” Itrkin wrote. “They found a Temple destroyed and defiled and instead of sulking they went right to work to find the jug of oil. They found the jug of oil and lit the menorah and the rest is history. WE are going to find the oil and rekindle our Menorah.”

Faced with the literal devastation, Itkin launched a fundraising campaign whuch quickly sped passed the $54,000 goal.

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