Welcome Back! JEM’s YouTube Channel is Back Online
by CrownHeights.info
JewishMedia, JEM’s YouTube channel is back online after a no name YouTube account had it removed over bogus Copyright claims.
The channel was allegedly removed by a channel named MOSHIACH DRIVE 770, with a person using the pseudonym Moshiach to claim the videos published by JEM as copywritten to them.
“Regarding the individual who did it: Honestly, I have tremendous compassion for him,” was the reaction of JEM’s Rabbi Shmotkin over the incident. “He needs our prayers.”
JEM’s enormous YouTube channel, with 26.3K subscribers and over 700 videos came back up Thursday in its entirety.
Rabbi Shmotkin’s prediction that the channel would be back within just a few days appeared to have been spot on.
“The Rebbe hammered home, every single year without fail, that the message of Chanukah is to always increase in light. From both a moral and legal perspective, JEM is the custodian and owner of these videos, so though it might take a few days, it’s only a matter of time before they will be available once again, better than ever.”
As of the publishing of this video, 14,291,881 views are recorded for JEM’s videos since the channel’s beginnings in December of 2006.
why don’t you use odyssey or some other such platforum so in case someone does it again you have a backup till you get it back?