Unique Tshura Includes Correspondence Letters from the Rebbe with California Chabad Houses and their Mekuravim

by CrownHeights.info

A unique Tshura was published in honor of the Cunin – Hertz wedding, which includes fascinating English correspondence between the Rebbe, Californian Chabad Houses and their Mekuravim.

Rabbi Shlomo Cunin brought many Yidden in California to the Rebbe and encouraged them to write to him. Presented here is a part of the large correspondence the Rebbe held with these Yidden, most notably Mr. Jerry Weintraub.

Many of the letters are in reply to the greetings and birthday wishes the Rebbe received for his 72nd birthday on Yud Alef Nissan 5734. They also had the Zechus to bring and present the Rebbe with a new Aron Kodesh for which they received a lengthy answer.

These are all being printed here for the first time, courtesy of Rabbi Baruch Shlomo Eliyahu Cunin ‘שי, Head Shliach to the West Coast and Grandfather of the Chosson.

To Download: Click Here

[pdf-embedder url=”https://crownheights.info/assets/2021/11/Teshura-Cunin-Hertz-English.pdf” title=”Teshura Cunin Hertz English”]