TAG: Florida’s New Yeshiva for Teens Begins with Great Success

A mother’s letter about TAG ACADEMY, FLORIDA

There are not enough words to express my deep gratitude for what I am witnessing before my very eyes at the new TAG Academy that recently opened in Florida.

Besides the sprawling grounds that are absolutely beautiful and functional, including a lake, brand new gym, exercise equipment, game room, modern dorm rooms and shul, there are the hearts and souls of this program; Rabbi Zalmy Raksin, Rabbi Aizik Chanin, Rabbi Pinny Andrusier and their entire staff.

The core and essence of what the TAG (Torah, Avodah, Gemilus Chassadim) Academy stands for is respect. Not just to inspire this value within our children but to actively and genuinely respect the needs of our very own teens.

What we all know to be true is that each of us are dealing with a huge generation gap, of struggling teenagers. It may not be our very own, it may be that of a friend or neighbor or within our very own communities, but nevertheless this is something that affects each of us.

I have always asked, why is it that when I was becoming frum, I was so carefully taken care of, made to feel appreciated and supported, never judged for what I didn’t yet know or do, yet with our own children, the same mosdos that were tender to my growth, have missed the mark with some of our very own children?

While every parent works endlessly to transmit a chayus and love for Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit, it is no easy task, as each child has their own challenges and is their own world, with their own story.

What my husband and I continue to request of our children is to take ownership of their Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit.

We try to empower each one, when they go out into the world, to ask their questions, raise their hands with honesty and vulnerability and find their own personal connection with the Aibishter, Torah and our Rebbe. We try to give each child, the tools to assess who is truly there to hold them up.

And this is where huge emotions well up inside of me as we watch our son thrive, grow, embrace, honor, live and love the meaningful experiences brought to life by TAG Academy. Their strategy in place is nothing complex, yet everything remarkable. The TAG vision of supporting mind, body and soul of each bochur, is not just a vision, it’s a passion that they live and teach with, daily.

The excitement and interest in learning Gemara is just an example of what happens at TAG.

Hearing these very words from our son, who says “Finally! it’s exciting to learn!” Is more than I could hope to hear.

The Mitzvah missions are uplifting, and presented in a creative personal way, incorporating a beautiful balance of understanding one’s self and how to fuse that, with Torah and Mitzvos.

Learning about Kashrus, for example, and then taking the bochurim to a family’s home, for a hands on kashering experience is exactly what TAG is all about. Real Torah living with hands-on application.

The incentives are equally exciting, the energy is uplifting! Bochurim going out with hanhala to experience a fusion of having fun and getting a Torah education, is life changing. Trips to golf, ice skating, restaurants and slurpees – all healthy outings with the right support. And last night to witness the exuberance of my son Mendel and his schoolmates as they attended a Miami Heat basketball game and even got to go on the court to shoot a basket, was thrilling.

Our family looks at each photo and video that is posted daily. We see bochurim who are content, relaxed, happy, thriving and really feeling and experiencing the essence of Yiddishkeit.

These bochurim are respected. They are looked up to with their energy, youthfulness, dreams and aspirations and most importantly, they are respected for who they are and who they are becoming.

This is where growth begins.

TAG Academy is not a program for teens that don’t ‘fit in’ the ‘typical’ Yeshiva system. It is for incredible teens who deserve a Yeshiva program that ‘fits’ their needs, passions and talents.

An incredible model for what many of our youth today desperately need, TAG Academy and its amazing staff are truly trailblazing a new era of Torah true education; raising Chassidim in a healthy balanced way.

TAG. You’re it. TAG: Where every boy is truly it!

Chana Scop
Co-Director Chabad of Mill Valley & BROOKLYN
415.419.7296 chanascop@gmail.com www.jewishmillvalley.com www.lifeofblessing.com www.chanasartroom.com

It’s not too late to join TAG this year. There are still a few spots left.
For more information on TAG, visit tagacademy.org, email admin@tagacademy.org or call (954)451-1092.