College Students Join For Amazing Shabbaton
This past Shabbos, college students, representing many universities, came to experience Shabbos at the Rabbinical College of America! Students from many locations and colleges converged to make this happen!
The largest groups were chaperoned and led by Rabbi Eli Silberstien of Chabad of Cornell and Rabbi Boruch Greenberg Chabad at Mulenberg. The experience included Farbrangens, Chavrusas, personal stories from students and an epic Kumzitz on Motzie Shabbos. It was a nonstop spiritual high.
“Just hearing the stories, being in the atmosphere and the classes, answered many of my inner questions” said Rutgers student Nathan S.
“I never knew there were so many people who were similar to me in their journey to Judaism” shared Jesse N. from Stockton U.
“The students made me more comfortable with traditional Judaism than I ever have been before, to the point that I’m extending my stay” shared student Clyde C with Dean Rabbi Moshe Herson.