700 Bochurim take the First Halikut Test

Now in its fourth year, Halikut has raised the bar for Likkutei Sichos learning among thousands of Bochurim, through its intense learning regimen and scrutinizing tests.

A record 85% of Lubavitcher Bochurim in America between Shiur gimmel mesivta and shiur beis zal will be studying cheilek chof of Likkutei Sichos this winter.

Unique in its learning regimen, Halikut is styled for the participants to come out knowing the full sefer virtually by heart, at the end of the four months taking a scrutinizing test on all of the material.

Halikut is a project of the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim, For more information please contact Halikut@vaadhatmimim.org.