Tes-Vav Elul Farbrengen Held in Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati

Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati, directed by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, had many special events in honor of Tes-Vav Elul, the “birthday” of Tomchei Temimim.

After joyous dancing, the Talmidim and the Hanhalla joined for a special Seuda. Speakers included the chavrei Hanhalla and special guests Rabbi Shalom Kalmanson (Cincinnati) and Rabbi Yigal CHazzan (Milan, Italy). Following the Seuda were special farbrengens with the Mashpiim of the Yeshiva.

The Talmidim woke up early for a special “Seder Hashkem” organized by the Shiur Gimmel and Talmidei Hashluchim.