Chabad Air Flies Past Their Goal, Enters Bonus Round

Every single day, there are hundreds of Yidden who pass through the terminals of JFK airport, ready to set off on their next journey. Before departure, Chabad Air gives each of them the opportunity to wrap Tefillin, receive a letter in the Torah, or hear an inspirational thought. It’s a moment to focus on their Jewish identity and a reminder of the brotherhood of the Jewish nation.

On holidays and other times of the year with high traffic, Chabad Air is up to the task. From a Menorah lighting station on Chanukah, to a Sukkah, to Megillah readings on Purim, and many other programs, Chabad Air is there to help every Jew, from prominent Rabbis to Birthright students.

Chabad Air is currently in the midst of a campaign to continue and grow this special mission. Thanks to all our generous donors, we are pleased to announce we have reached our initial goal of $75,000 and have activated a bonus round to raise an additional $25,000 over the next 9 hours.

We are committed to helping every Jewish traveler, at every time, however possible – spiritually and physically. Please partner with us in this holy work.

Together we’ll fly past our goal!

Join us for takeoff: