40th Annual Dinner to Launch Campaign to Add Six Floors to Chabad of South Broward Headquarters
by Joseph Obermeyer
The 40th Annual Dinner of Congregation Levi Yitzchok- Lubavitch/Chabad of South Broward Headquarters takes place this Thursday evening, August the 5th, 27 Menachem Av, on the Grand Princess Mega Yacht, a luxurious huge boat that can seat 500 people, including 190 people on the 2nd floor in the Main Ballroom.
An $18,000,000 Campaign is being launched at the Dinner, to quadruple the size of Chabad of South Broward Headquarters, from 15,000 square feet to 60,000 square feet.
Six new floors will be added to the existing buildings, with three new floors being built on top of each existing building.
“I prefer a Shtiebel, Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus, Head Shliach of South Broward and Senior Rabbi of Congregation Levi Yitzchok- Lubavitch remarked, and having a Chabad Shabbos Minyan one mile away from each Chabad House in Southeast Broward, encouraged me over the years, to continue to have a Shtiebel, albeit a very active and busy one, with a flurry of activity from 5am until after midnight many days of the year.
But with the recent growth of many new families, Camp Gan Israel of South Broward having to rent a huge Public School with 550 children this summer, and well over 200 families on the waiting list of the Chai Tots Preschool, we have no alternative”!
Dozens of Shiurim are offered each week in the Main Chabad Center of South Broward, hundreds of adults participate regularly in Torah classes, and many thousands receive the Rabbi’s weekly Torah email, Oneg Shabbat.
The Dinner will feature the talented and popular Shuky Sadon, in a special musical performance, the reading of the last letter the Rebbe ever signed, to the 11th Annual Dinner of Congregation Levi Yitzchok-Lubavitch in Hallandale, and a Farbrengen to celebrate this milestone occasion.
Honorees at the 40th Annual Dinner include local members of South Florida Hatzalah, Eli Schochet, Mendy Hassan and Shaul Dahan, receiving the Humanitarian Award; David and Natacha Ben Aim, recipients of the Chesed Award; Moshe and Ohr Miriam Pershin, with the Young Leadership Award; and Shana Wolf (Licht), assistant principal of the Chaya Aydel Seminary, who will receive the Educator of the Year Award.
“We merited every year to receive a letter from the Rebbe to our Dinners”, Rabbi Tennenhaus concluded,
“and on some occasions, the Rebbe added sentences and even paragraphs about our particular institution. What’s most exciting this year, as we launch this campaign to quadruple our size with six new floors, is that the Rebbe’s Brocha in 5749 (1989), when we bought our buildings, was to, outgrow our new buildings, and now this Brocha is being fulfilled beyond what we ever expected“!
For last-minute reservations to the 40th Annual Dinner on the Boat, which departs from the Diplomat Hotel, please email chabadsboffice@gmail.com, or please call 954-458-1877.
You can automatically reserve seats on the Boat with CashApp – $chabadsouthbroward;
with PayPal – Chabadsboffice@gmail.com;
with Zelle – Chabadsboffice@gmail.com;
or by credit card using this link:
Please reserve today, ASAP, to guarantee seats in the Main Ballroom.