CKids Launches Mezuzah Bank to Promote Mivtza Mezuzah in Camps
CKids, in partnership with Yad Menachem, is aiming to provide easy access to a Mezuzah for every Jewish child. CKids’s International Mezuzah Bank is a significant step towards this end. Initially only available to CKid’s JewQ Competition participants, the Mezuzah Bank is now being made available to all Chabad day-camp campers the world over.
When CKids’ Director Rabbi Zalman Lowenthal visited CKids Overnight Camp in Florida this summer he offered the campers the opportunity to receive their own Mezuzah. Campers leaped at the chance to place a Mezuzah on their own bedroom door. Many children went home from camp with a mezuzah and a guide to direct them on putting it up. Inspired by the exactic response Ckids decided to offer this opportunity to all directors of day camps so they can give their campers the same opportunity.
Yad Menachem, headed by Rabbi Velvel Adler, has secured funding for a Mezuzah Matching program. CKids will cover the costs of one mezuzah for every mezuzah ordered.
To register and order Mezuzahs for all interested campers, visit Ckids.net/Mezuzah.
“When a child fastens a Mezuzah on his or her own bedroom, he or she designates their room as a Jewish space, and forms an enduring bond with their Jewish identity.” Said Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302. “Our mission is to bring knowledge about Judaism and authentic pride in their Jewish identity to every Jewish child. We are always looking for innovative new initiatives to further our goal. The Mezuzah Bank is an important part of this. Having a Mezuzah on their door is a major step in bringing Yiddishkeit into the personal life of each child.”