Mechanchim Contribute to Kinus Program
A kinus is for mechanchim and also a kinus by mechanchim. Mechanchim come to learn but they also come to share and to teach. In fact, some of the most rewarding experiences at the 20 Kinus haMechanchim are mealtimes debate times and chinuch forums.
The program at the 20th Kinus HaMechanchim will feature a number of presentations and discussions among mechanchim. where mechanchim “talk chinuch”.
At one such session mechanchim of similar school settings will discuss issues which are special to them. Leading these interest groups discussions are Rabbi B Kaplan, principal of the Southern New England Day School in New Haven CT, who will lead a discussion of day school mechanchim, Rabbi Menachem Klyne of the Cheder in Detroit MI, who will lead a discussion on chadorim and Rabbi Yaakov Sebbag principal of the Lubavitcher Yeshiva OP, will lead a discussion of mechanchim in mosdos serving major Chabad communities. At the same time, Rabbi S. Wagner, star gemorah rebbe will discuss how to involve parents in their children’s learning.
Rabbi Y. Lustig will chair a professional exchange during mealtimes. The kinus will also feature a Chinuch Forum for mechanchim to make brief 15-minute presentations on their best practices, moderated by Rabbi Moshe Rodman of desert Torah Academy in Las Vegas NV and Rabbi Aharon Ginsburg dean of Cheder Gan Yisroel in Boro Park will lead an open debate on the chinuch issues of the day.