Documents Discovered From 1906 Elections at Lubavitch Shul In Dokshitsy
by CrownHeights.info
Dokshitsy was always a small city in the Vitebsk region or Belarus known as a city through which two rivers, each into different parts of the world and to different seas.
Yet prior to World War II, Dokshitsy was also known as a majority Jewish city. In the year 1939, out of 3600 inhabitants, the majority were Jewish.
A recent revelation brought to light a set of documents from a series of March-April 1906 board election at four Shuls in the shtetl Dokshitsy, one of them was a Lubavitch one.
On the election that took place on March 31, 1906, the documents note that David son of Shmuel Kamenkovich (63 y.o.) was elected as a Rabbi, Yankel son of Mordkhel Pliskin (45 y.o.) was elected as a gabbai, and Zalman-Nokhim Ptushkin (44 y.o.) was elected as a treasurer.
The documents also list those who participated in the elctions:
Meir Dvekhman, Abram Shapiro, Zelik Rozov, Zelka Vant, Kusel Daitch, Man Daitch, Chaim Glaihengaus, Abram Freedman, Zalman-Abram Kazenets, Abram Vant, Meir Gitlin, Berka Palei, Rubin Vant, Shlioma Kapelevich, Leiba Rozov, Mendel Kapelevich, Mordkhel Rozov, Itzka Vant, Itska Rashkind, Nisan Katz, Zelka Kazinets, Mendel Kazinets, Yankel Rubenchik, Iosel son of Zalman Levitan, Aron-Leib Klein, Shmuila-Leiba Shteingrab.
The document contain the original signatures of those people.
Tragicly, during World War II, the Nazis killed more than 2500 people in Dokshitsy ghetto.