A Mikva For the French City of Meaux

by CrownHeights.info

In the French city of Meaux, approximately 50 kilometers from Paris, a first was accomplished for the city with the inauguration of a Mikveh Tahara.

Attended by over 200 people, the glamorous event saw guests of all types, including the city’s Mayor Jean François Copé, local Shliach Rav Hanan Frenkel, the director of the Lubavitch House in Paris Rav Menahem Mendel Azimov, Dayan Rav Levi Kahn, Rav Cheli the Dayan d’Armentières, the president of the consistory Mr. Joël Mergui, the Chief Rabbi of France Rav Haim Korsia, the Chief Rabbi of Paris Rav Michel Gugenheim.

The guests visited the new Mikvah de Meaux, touring the brand new spa-like facility.