The Story of How Robbinsville, NJ Ended Up With A Sefer Torah

Robbinsville, NJ.

Most of you have probably never heard of this beautiful township and certainly not passed through it.

In a similar vein I have never been to most of your cities.

This then was the purpose of the family gathering, in the spirit of Sheves Achim.

Let me take you back there.

I sat down with two of my kids to eat the delicious dinner that had been prepared. I sat down at a random table near a senior Shliach who I had never met before.

Turns out it was Rabbi Shain, the host of the event, and we began talking about our Shlichus.

He shared with me the challenges of his early years and I shared with him about our wonderful growing community. No we don’t yet have a Torah and ongoing Miyan… Yes we have learning and Hebrew School etc.

A regular conversation between two Shluchim.

Rabbi Shain then paused and gently said to me,

“Rabbi Chaiton, on erev Shavuos we had a Hachnosas Sefer Torah. A baalebos and friend of ours attended and was inspired to dedicate a new Torah scroll as well. I told him that he should give it to young community that doesn’t yet have a Torah. He loved the idea and I told him I would find the right place for it. I am giving it to you with the intention that you begin regular Shabbos Minyan.”

A brand new Torah!

I was speechless.

I wasn’t sure I had heard correctly until he repeated himself and told me to follow him out the ballroom to call and thank the donor family.

Even more incredible was that my wife and I were discussing how we want to start Shabbos day services now that Covid restrictions have been lifted.

Sure enough, right then and there, I spoke with the family and thanked them for this wonderful gift.

On Gimmel Tammuz the first deposit was made to the Sofer. Bezras Hashem on 27 Tishrei 5782 we will be having a Hachnosas Sefer Torah – the first ever in Robbinsville/Hamilton, NJ. As the ONLY Jewish organization in town, this is especially powerful.

We are incredibly grateful to Rabbi Shain and his family for this gift.

In the spirit of true Sheves Achim we can accomplish incredible things!

Rabbi Chaiton