13-Year-Old Chabad Boy Launches “Beit Chabad” Social Media Platform

by CrownHeights.info

For 13-year-old Shalom Dov Ber Strakhov, a talent in design became a hobby which grew into something more.

With the help of his father, Rabbi David Strakhov, Shalom Dov Ber designed and implemented a social media platform aimed to young Chabad children.

“People ordered flyers and videos from me and I thought, why not make a platform that would provide a solution for anyone who wants to use his talents for Mivtzoim,” mused Shalom Dov Ber.

The new platform was named beitchabadonline.com, and was modeled after a Facebook like design that allows each person to “build” their own Chabad House image and share it with others. Members can also unlock “badges” and chat between themselves.

Moderated by Rabbi David Strakhov, the design allows each and every child to “open their own Chabad House”, providing a free, creative, and Chassidish outlet in the digital world.

“So if you like designing, building websites, writing Chidushim, making music, learning, teaching, or anything else, why not use it for Kodesh? Along the way, you’ll gain experience, and advertise yourself, and make some money. All you need to do is go to my website and open your personal Beit Chabad,” pitched Shalom Dov Ber.

Rabbi David Strahkov noted his sons talent, and supported him throughout the project. “I saw that my boy is into computers and has a talent for it, so I told him, let’s use it to the Rebbe’s advantage.”

Go online and create your Beit Chabad at beitchabadonline.com.