Five Minute Shaar Habitachon Shiur In Crown Heights From Irgun Torah

The day the Frierdiker Rebbe was released from prison is a day marked by all of us as the triumph of forces spreading the light and warmth of Torah, Mitzvos & Chassidus.

How do we also live a life of geulah, of freedom from our daily ups and downs, our moments of doubts and fears, our daily struggles and challenges?

In many letters The Rebbe encourages people to learn Shaar Habitachon in order to strengthen their belief and faith in Hashem and overcome their challenges and to internalize a mindset of tracht gut vet zein gut.

Learning Shaar Habitachon is the most efficient way to find comfort, peace of mind, happiness and overcome the various struggles in our lives. As well to strengthen ourselves in our trust in Hashem and divine providence and to bring into our lives much blessings in parnasah, nachas and health.

In the spirit of Chag Hageula, ‘Irgun Torah’ is launching a very special series of Shiurim in “Shaar Habitochon”, to start living geulah in your day to day life.

Presenting a short and insightful 5-10 minutes Bitachon Boost twice a week.

Shiurim will be given by renowned magid shiur Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz

The style:
– ‘5 to 10 minutes’ twice a week.
– Every segment will have 2 shiurim.

1) overview component
2) in-text component

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