REPLAY: Moshiach Chidon at Oholei Torah

In connection with the auspicious day of Gimmel Tammuz, a special chidon will be held on Motzei Shabbos. The subject matte, Inyonei Geulah U’Moshiach.

The competition is open for all bochurim, who will have the opportunity to test their knowledge on the subject and win impressive raffles. Bochurim in several yeshivos have been preparing for the chidon for eight weeks, learning special material prepared specifically for this program. The students have taken weekly tests ever since their learning began, with those excelling in their tests qualifying to display their knowledge at the event.

MC’ing the event will be local mashpia Rabbi Nissim Lagziel, author of many works dealing with the subject of Moshiach, together with rabbis Shmuel Chaim Bluming, Simon Jacobson, and Zushe Wilhelm, who will be judging the competitors.

The event will take place in Oholei Toorah Ballroom. Doors open at 10:00 and the chidon will commence at 10:15.

All participants will be treated to a scrumptious melave malka and gifted an exclusive tshura.

Chidon Geulah U’Moshiach from Zikron Digital on Vimeo.