With 8 Hours Still to Go, KSCVK Nears $400,000 Bonus Round Goal
by CrownHeights.info
Lubavitchers across the globe have stepped up to back the legendary KSCVK organization run by Devorah Benjamin.
With eight hours still to go of their $300,000 in 36 hours campaign, KSCVK blew past their original goal, and are nearing the end of their first bonus round.
For 29 years, over 5,000 couples have turned to Devorah for help, and she ensures that every simcha is truly sameach. Devorah has built an organization to provide support and guidance to chossonim and kallahs from every background imaginable because a wedding should not be a struggle.
Presently, Devorah has 50 weddings in the works. These young couples and their families are looking to Devorah and her organization Karen Simchas Chosson V’Kallah to bring their weddings to life. It will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to get these chuppahs up, and Devorah can’t do it alone.
Don’t let her Down!
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