In Just A Few Days “Thursday”
As requested by many Devorah Benjamin will be going to the ohel on Lag B’omer
Lag B’omer is a tremendously auspicious day. By the Rebbeim many Nissim came specifically from Brochos on Lag B’omer. Over five years ago an idea was born, for a nominal fee of $100 per name Devorah Benjamin of KSCVK took your name, the name of your child, friend or relative, and davened at the Ohel for a shidduch as in previous years.
Devorah will be visiting the Ohel to Daven for people who need a shidduch. This year the Tzedokoh raised will be in merit of the Yesomim and the families that were affected in today’s time who are getting married in a few weeks. G-d willing the joy of the couples who will be able to celebrate their weddings thank to the Tzedokoh raised on Lag B’omer will bring tremendous Brochos to all who need Shidduchim.
With her financial obligations of post Shavuous weddings coming up. not only will she daven for you or your loved ones, you are helping in Hachnosas Kallah, a winning combination for sure.
To take part in this please email programs@kscvk.org or call 718.774.4578. Please include the name of the children and their mothers names and payment information by This Thursday April 29th/17th of Iyar 10:00pm. In this zchus may we be zocheh to the ultimate marriage of Hashem to us yidden with Moshiach NOW!