Oholei Torah Elementary Partakes in Ceremonies

This Shabbos marks the first Yahrzeit of Reb Yisroel Friedman, a”h, the Rosh Yeshiva of Oholei Torah Beis Medrash.

Each class of the elementary division participated in the Siyum Sefer Torah written in Reb Yisroel’s honor and by learning the many minhagim and halachos regarding the writing of a Sefer Torah. The talmidim also had a chance to hear firsthand stories of Reb Yisroel from their teachers.

Over Shabbos, the 7th of Nissan, the talmidim will be learning Mishnayos from a special prepared booklet. There will be a special kiddush at Reb Michoels Minyan and a raffle for the boys who learned the mishanyos – with a prize of a Rebbe dollar that Reb Yisroel received on 11 Nissan.