TODAY at 5:00PM: Double Siyum Planned for Beloved Rosh Yeshiva
As we are approaching the yahrzeit of Reb Yisroel Freidman, a”h, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Oholei Torah Beis Medrash, the Hanhola HaYeshiva together with his family are preparing a Hachnosas Sefer Torah together with a Siyum HaShas which will take place on this Monday evening, Beis Nissan.
The event will begin at 5:00 pm in 770 in the room adjacent to the Rebbe’s Yechidus Room. The Tahalucha to Oholei Torah will begin at 6pm. Hakofas and a Seudas Mitzvah with a Siyum HaShas will be held in the Oholei Torah Beis Medrash.
A Chassideshe Farbrengen will be held after the event with the participation of the hanhola members, many of Reb Yisroel’s talmidim and community members.
Reb Yisroel was a legendary Rosh Yeshiva that made a positive impact on thousands of his talmidim and all that knew him. His devotion to the mossad and to his talmidim were truly his whole life for over 50 years.
In response to many requests from Alumni partake in an everlasting project in his memory, Oholei Torah will be giving Alumni the opportunity to dedicate Reb Yisroel’s shiur room which will carry both his name and his Rebbetzin’s Luba Freidman’s name
Unique to the Shiur room – is that it will house Reb Yisroel’s personal library of over 1000 seforim that he requested be bestowed to the Yeshiva so that the talmidim can learn from the seforim that gave him so much in learning and meant so much to Reb Yisroel.
A donor wall with the Alumni’s names will be placed prominently in the Shiur Room.
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