Chanukah App Hits 100K Users, Aims Higher has learnt that the Saber Team have just pushed a massive update to their already top-ranking Chanukah App. This mobile app is available in both IOS and Android.
Apple Version: Download IOS Version.
Android Version: Download Android Version.
Click here to learn more about the app:
Here are some of the new updates that have been added:
– Updated Graphics on the Brachos for the Menorah Page
– The Candles Tutorial has been updated for the dates of 2020
– English Transliteration for those who can’t read the Hebrew Blessings
– Redesign of Main Screen
“Our goal is to reach at least 200,000 people this Chanukah,” said Shmuel Aber, SEO of the Saber Team. “We want to double our current users, and we want to create an easy way for people to be able to learn and celebrate Chanukah even while they are social-distancing at home.”
The Chanukah App is projected to rank very high on the App Store Rankings over the next week. In previous years, the app reached the Top 100 Educational Apps in over 20 countries.
In addition to the previous updates to the app, here are the notable features on the app:
– The Menorah Blessings in 6 Languages (Hebrew, English, Portuguese, French, Russian, and Spanish)
– Dreidel Game with randomly-generated results.
– A daily updated animated menorah that shows the positioning and amount of candles per night
– Photo and Social Networking Capabilities
– Video Tutorial
– 30-min menorah countdown
This app was made possible thanks to the generosity of Estate Diamond Jewelry, a vintage jewelry company located in Midtown Manhattan. This is the same company that made the news last Chanukah for breaking the world record for Most Valuable Dreidel.
The app is dedicated in loving memory of Shaina Bracha a”h Bas Shmuel Sheyichye.