Rebbeim and Gedolim Join in Writing Unity Sefer Torah
A Unity Sefer Torah begun at the groundbreaking Hatzalah-Thon has been traveling through the Jewish world, having its final letters completed by Rebbeim, Rabbonim, and Gedolei Torah.
After traveling through Brooklyn and Lakewood, the Torah recently arrived in Monsey, NY, where both the Forshay Rebbe and the Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Ahron Teitelbaum Shlita of Kiryas Joel, wrote a letter in the Sefer Torah.
Other greats joined in writing a letter in the Sefer Torah including the Nikelsburgher Rebbe and others.
The final letters of the Torah are being completed under the watchful eyes of Rabbi Moshe Klein from Hasofer of Crown Heights.
The Siyum Sefer Torah is scheduled for Sunday, the 20th of Kislev, 5781 – December 6th, 2020.