MyShliach’s Chassidus Club – A Breath of Light for Shluchim’s Children Everywhere

Chassidus Club, MyShliach’s newest program, brings together junior shluchim and shluchos from around the world, every Sunday morning, for a two hour program filled with learning, Chassidishe inspiration and friendship.

On a regular day it is hard to wake Zalmy up for school.

For the past two weeks, come Sunday morning, Zalmy has jumped out of bed and hurried through his morning routine without a moment’s hesitation.

He knows that at 10:00 MyShliach’s Chassidus Club is starting, and he does not want to miss a minute of it.

Even though all of his regular classes are currently online and one would think that a voluntary two hours of learning would not be something that he would look forward to, Zalmy awaits the MyShliach Chassidus Club all week long.

It’s a zoom unlike any other.

It’s a moment in time when he, and the children of Shluchim from around the world, can engage in two hours filled with learning, chassidishe inspiration, and friendship.

The children call in from all corners of the globe and are treated to a packed program of activities and entertainment run by enthusiastic counselors who’s Chayus takes the program to the next level.

“The program has been extremely well received by junior shluchim and shluchos and their parents alike,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, executive director of Merkos 302, “The children show up excited, ready to learn and eager to participate.”

The participants are split up into different age groups and enjoy a program prepared with them in mind. The program is geared for all shluchim’s children, regardless of whether they attend day school or online school. Additionally, there are classes offered in two time zones to accommodate both East Coast and West Coast shluchim.

“My daughter’s group has begun creating a beautiful scrapbook of the Rabbeim,” one mother related, “She is so invested in the project and it is so nice to see her enjoying the program so immensely.”

Mrs. Leah Silberstein, a Shlucha to Chabad of VSL, QC wrote, “We are loving the program! Thank you so much. It brings a beautiful focus into the day and week and keeps our daughter proud to be connected to other shluchos. The counselor is positive and perfectly age appropriate bringing the girls up a level.”

The feedback has been incredibly positive and more and more children are joining each week, a testament to the success of the program.

“When creating the Chassidus Club we were looking to provide a structured program through which children of shluchim can connect with each other in a positive environment,” says MyShliach’s Chassidus Club director Rabbi Shaya Itkin. “I think we were able to create just that and, Baruch Hashem, the response has been tremendous.”

Shluchim can register today to partake in Kislev’s programming by visiting: