New Organization Launched to help Bochurim Financially

Once again, the Vaad Hatmimim has stepped up to tackle a long-standing issue hundreds of Bochurim face. Over the years, the lack of proper help in this area has proven a difficulty for many a Bochur who may not have had whom to turn to for help – and will now have his needs comfortably taken care of.

“A Bochur needs to know he has someone to turn to” said Rabbi Tzvi Altein, director of the Vaad Hatmimim. “For too long, 770 Bochurim have felt alone and neglected. This is the first of what we hope Bez”H will be many initiatives to help them, B’gashmius and B’ruchnius, and more importantly, that they know someone cares and wants to help them.”

In the coming days, Tomchei Bachurim will distribute coupons for the purchase of winter essentials at subsidized and discounted prices. During the year, the Vaad will continue providing financial assistance to Bochurim in need, coupons for buying hats and jackets, glasses, hygiene products and much more.

To contribute to this fund, and help a needy Bochur, go to