Sefer Zikoron – Tiferes Ish, Now in Stores

Now in all Crown Heights stores, the sefer in the memory of Rabbi Ahron Yakov Schwei z”l is on shelves and ready to be studied.

The memorial sefer is about the late Rav of Crown Heights, Rabbi Ahron Yakov Schwei z”l, and was named “Sefer Zikoron – Tiferes Ish” – ish being an acronym of Rabbi Schwei’s name.

The sefer includes an extensive biography and personal recounts of the life of the Rav.

In addition, the sefer includes:
1. Several letters of the rebbe to him, published for the first time, where the rebbe refers to the Rav as “shlit”a” when he was still a bochur, and many other special titles.
2. In addition to being a Rav, Rabbi Schwei was also a talented artist, with several of his masterpieces included in the sefer as well.
3. An extensive collection of letters of rabbonim of 200 years ago being published for the first time by Rabbi Chaim Dovid Tiffenbrun shlita.
4. Chidushei Torah of tens of Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshivos from around the globe, written in the memory of Rabbi Schwei.
5. A transcript of the speeches given by Rabbonim in the end of the shiva in the memory of Rabbi Schwei.

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To hear niggunim sung by Rabbi Schwei go to:

To see a collection of farbrengens of Rabbi Schwei, go to: