Author and Historian Rabbi Chaim Dalfin Launches New Website
Books, CD’s, DVD’s, Videos, Chasidus Classes, Nigunim, Stump the Rabbi and more…
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, author and historian has launched his new website,, giving everyone a new opportunity to start the new year with high quality material that inspires one to grow and implement a true, healthy paradigm shift.
Rabbi Chaim Dalfin was born and raised in a Chabad-Lubavitcher family, and studied in Chabad yeshivas. He attended the farbrengens of the Lubavitcher Rebbe for 25 years, and received his rabbinical training and ordination at the Central Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch-770 in Brooklyn, New York. During that time he studied with numerous Chabad luminaries including Rabbi Yoel Kahn. In 1984, Rabbi Dalfin and his wife were appointed by the Rebbe as Chabad emissaries.
To date, Rabbi Dalfin has authored over 40 books on the history of the Chabad Lubavitch movement, and is an internationally known teacher, Mashpia and motivational speaker.
Rabbi Dalfin’s weekly Chabad History video appears each Motzoei Shabbos here on