JEM: Sealed With Blessing

In preparation for Yom Kippur, JEM offers a very special Living Torah documentary of the Rebbe on the eve of Judaism’s holiest day.

Filmed and narrated by eminent photographer Levi Freidin, the feature follows the events at 770 on the 9th of Tishrei in 1980. While the film exhibits a “day in the life” feel, this is no ordinary day and certainly no ordinary life.

To watch the full film: Click Here.

The Israeli born Freidin first visited 770 for Tishrei in 1976 and, having become enamored with the place and its people, would return for the next 16 years.

During that span, Freidin developed a close relationship with the Rebbe. On a number of occasions, the Rebbe offered Freidin a ride to 770. Freidin’s collection would eventually swell to over 150,000 photos and many additional hours of film.

Combining equal parts audacity and a photojournalist’s passion, Freidin’s work allows for an up close view of the Rebbe with his Chassidim.

Beginning Erev Yom Kippur with the Kaporos, the film provides the viewer with a rare and personal glimpse of the Rebbe performing the day’s special rituals. Indeed, one of the more striking elements of this work is the vivid realism on display, permeated with the palpable sanctity of the moment.

As Yom Kippur commences and the film concludes with the Rebbe’s customary blessing to the students, one can’t help but feel as though they’ve been transported to a time and space beyond time and space.

View photos of 9 Tishrei 5741.