Kinus Hashluchim Dates Set, Virtual Or In Person Still Unknown
The Kinus Hashluchim Haolami 5781 is On!, but don’t buy an airplane ticket yet.
That was the message sent from the Kinus planning vaad to Shluchim worldwide as the actual venue of the kinus remains unknown.
“The Kinus will take place בעזרת השם from 24-29 Cheshvan (November 11-16, 2020),” the vaad wrote. “We are preparing for the possibility of a virtual Kinus, an in-person Kinus or a hybrid option depending on the global health situation at that time.”
Any plans for any in person parts to the kinus remain heavily burdened by restrictive travel guidelines and limits on gatherings prevalent throughout the country and internationally.
“As health and safety recommendations are shifting from day to day, we do not yet know how the Kinus will be. An additional challenge we will face is the extremely limited capacity of the various venues in the event of an in-person Kinus, and we will have to navigate the ramifications of that as things continue to evolve.”
At this time, the vaad advised not to make travel plans for the Kinus until a better idea of the global and national health and safety status after the Yomim Tovim.
“We are doing what we can to create a meaningful and uplifting program however it is meant to be. If you have any suggestions of a presenter or program we should include, please contact”